Love Co Ceramics

Kelowna, BC

Business Name: Love Co Ceramics

Based In: Kelowna, BC

Products Include: Handcrafted pottery by Briana Paulson

When did you open your Etsy shop?


What inspired you to start your business?

I started out creating pottery as a stress relief and creative outlet and quickly fell in love with it. When I decided to start my business I was truly taking a leap of faith and following my heart rather than my head or the expectations of what others wanted for my future.

How would you describe your business?

I create handmade pottery using a pottery wheel and or hand building techniques. I started pottery when I was 15 or 16 years old, I took a beginner introduction to hand building techniques course and intro to pottery wheel class and then after not creating pottery for a few years, during the last year of my undergrad degree at ubco I decided to get back into pottery again. Not with any expectations or even a thought that I would end up pursuing pottery as a career. I simply bought a bag of clay, searched the house for some random tools and taught myself how to hand build again. After a few months my mom bought me a pottery wheel and I began to create more and more until I didn’t have space to keep all of the pottery and so I decided to upload some of my work onto Etsy. Flash forward two years and I get to wake up everyday pursuing my dream job.

Why do you think they’re so popular?

I think that the heart mugs are popular because they are very simple and minimalist however they have a little pop of natural clay that contrast really beautifully with the glazed portion of the mug. I often have customers say that they have never seen pottery like mine and that it is unique and beautiful quality which is the most incredible compliment.
I think the reason that the strawberry mugs and fruit mugs are so popular is because they are also unique in that, not a lot of potters play with leaving the outside of their work natural clay with little details hand painted with glaze rather than majority of the mug being covered in glaze. This provides a really natural and different texture that you don’t feel when you touch a solid glazed mug. I also think that strawberries are very nostalgic so for myself they spark a lot of childhood joy and I find that customers will often say “they just look so happy”. It means so much to hear that my work brings people joy or happiness, it’s the ultimate hope that I have when I create pottery, to create something that will bring others happiness, so when people express that it does it truly means the world to me.
We hope you enjoyed learning more about Love Co Ceramics, a local Kelowna pottery shop.

1 review

  1. Favourite Mug for Years

    I was blessed with a mug from Bri a couple years ago on Christmas from my dad. I had been absolutely obsessed with the mug for a while before that and had mentioned it to my dad, much to my delight he took initiative and bought it to surprise me! The mug was a lower more squat mug (my favourite kind of mug) with so many little details that continue to bring me a lot of joy – including the bright colors and varying textures. I collect mugs and have well over 20, yet this one has my whole heart. I just love it and the happiness it brings me when I use it or see it. One of my biggest treasures for sure.

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